"My client has retained Weinberg Wheeler for over 20 years. They provide excellent representation, and are very professional."
Experienced, Knowledgable and Effective Trial Attorneys
For more than thirty years, members of Weinberg Wheeler Hudgins Gunn & Dial's Medical Malpractice Group have been defending health care providers and facilities against claims of professional negligence and medical malpractice.
The firm's attorneys have successfully represented the full spectrum of health care providers from hospitals to long term care facilities and physicians to scrub techs. Our attorneys have handled a diverse range of malpractice issues including medical consent issues, professional conduct, provision of emergency services, fall out of bed cases, pressure ulcers and cases involving "hot button" issues including brain damaged infants, comatose patients, loss of limb, as well as those involving death and quadriplegia and paraplegia.
Prepared to take any case to trial, WWHGD has successfully tried more than 150 medical malpractice cases in multiple states throughout the U.S.
Representative Medical Malpractice Claims and Lawsuits
- Successful defense, and favorable resolution, of over 100 claims and lawsuits against hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, long term care facilities and other healthcare facilities and their staff.
- Defense verdict for physician for allegedly failing to timely diagnose ovarian cancer.
- Defense verdict for neurosurgeon for alleged delay in hospital transfer.
- Defense verdict for neurosurgeon in wrongful death action. The family of a deceased marathoner alleged improper follow up on a brain aneurysm.
- Defense verdict for general surgeon in case alleging medical negligence. Allegations included failure to diagnose significant abdominal obstruction with subsequent major peritonitis complications.
- Favorable verdict for pathologist in a case alleging failure to read slide which indicated the presence of lung cancer. Verdict was substantially below initial pretrial demand.
- Defense verdict for cardiovascular surgeon in a medical malpractice suit. Plaintiff was rendered a paraplegic, allegedly as a result of laparoscopic procedure.
- Favorable result for a South Carolina home healthcare agency in claim alleging improper infusion of chemotherapy in a single day.
- Successful defense of an Illinois pathology lab for alleged failure to diagnose breast cancer.
- Favorable resolution of a claim against a hospital that an alleged narcotic overdose resulted in profound brain damage and a persistent vegetative state.
- Shannon V. Barrow
- Lawrence E. Burkhalter
- J. Hilliard Burton
- J. Scott Conlon
- Henry C. DeBardeleben IV
- David A. Fear
- Wendell B. Franklin
- John M. Hawkins
- Jeff Hunter
- Johnathan T. Krawcheck
- Brittany M. Llewellyn
- Sian A. Mason
- Carol P. Michel
- Claire C. Murray
- Marriah N. Paige
- Melissa D. Peeler
- Ronald M. Schirtzer
- Adam C. Shepherd
- Kate D. Spinelli
News & Publications
- Journal of Health and Life Sciences Law
- Modern Healthcare
- Journal of Healthcare Risk Management
- Healthcare Risk Management
- Healthcare Risk Management
- Healthcare Risk Management
- WWHGD Legal Alert
- WWHGD Legal Alert
- WWHGD Legal Alert