Plaintiff's Verdict for Client in Construction, Breach of Contract Trial.
Capps Land Management, Inc. v. Four-A Construction, Inc.
Capps Land Management, Inc. was hired by Four-A Construction, Inc. to perform cleaning, grading and other earth work at a 22-acre commercial project site. Capps sued Four-A alleging improper termination from the project and that was due its contract balance. Four-A countersued claiming Capps breached the contract by failing to perform work in a timely manner and that Capps' work at the project was defective and required costly remediation. After a four-day trial, our client, Capps, received a plaintiffs' verdict and was awarded every penny of its claim. Additionally, Four-A's counterclaim was denied in its entirety. Partners Steve Gonzalez and Matt Marrone represented Capps at trial.